Todd and Cindy Vollertsen's 10 Aspects to Keep In Mind When Looking To Rent![]() Know your credit score Why looking to rent, your credit score will be a topic of discussion. In order to make the conversation smooth, have documentation of your credit score before touring houses you want to rent. If your score is a 550 or below, your chances of renting are slim. Your credit score proves to the landlord your ability to make punctual and complete payments. Make sure you keep tabs on your credit score if you are hoping to rent one day. Budget Know and understand how much it will cost to live in the homes you are looking to rent. That includes all of your utilities and any other extra costs. Make sure you can afford it before you sign any lease! Being responsible can take stress of of you and your potential landlord. Surrounding area and Neighbors When you are touring the homes you are looking to rent, be mindful of your surroundings. Living in a neighborhood that is safe and comfortable for you is of upright importance. Along with the area, you might want to consider neighbors. Sometimes the houses around you may have tenets with loud, barking dogs, or something similar. Often times, this is uncontrollable by your landlord. Family Friendly A quick google search of the neighborhood and surround town will tell you what kind of business are around. If you have a family it may be a good idea to check how family friendly the surrounding establishments are. Type of home Size is important when you are considering a home to rent. If you are the sole renter, a smaller home would suit you more so than a four room establishment. If you are married and have children, you may want a backyard for them to play in. There are many different homes to make sure you find your perfect fit. Understand your lease Make sure you read over all the information on your lease. This will help you stay confident through the signing. Renting is a big decision. Know the rules so you won’t run into any trouble down the line. Inspect the home Always make sure you have an inspector look over your home and appliances. You never know what could be hiding in the small details. An inspector can give you a list of things that need fixing in your potential home. Rusted vents, clogged sinks, and missing stoppers could all be details you need to be aware of. Location. Location. Location Schools for your children or future children, and distance to and from work. Both are important when looking to rent a home. You want to make sure it makes sense to live there in regulated to gas and transportation services. Is there a park close for your kids in case you don’t have a backyard? Is there a shopping center? All these questions can be answered by our team! Know your rights Know and understand your rights as a renter. Keep in mind what you can and cannot do, and never make a deal base on word alone. Always get everything in writing to protect yourself. Get Insurance Never skimp on renters insurance. You never know what the future has in store for you and your home. Todd and Cindy Vollertsen want to make sure you rent the best home for your needs. Don’t be shy to give URHome a call for any information you need!
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